Due to personal reasons, this year...humm..how should I put it...is a very special year for me. I cant work, study and leave this country for 365 days. (Thanks to the help of Taiwan's broken immigration law)
For one year, I am neither Taiwanese or Foreigner/American in the land of Taiwan. Sounds like the perfect background story for the characters to start a journey on finding "who they really are" in movies. :P
Not me, I have a clear idea on what career I want in the future.This year WILL not go wasted, I'm gonna live it like every single second counts! I will designed tasks in order to train myself to become a skillful photojournalist.
Here are a couple of ideas:
1. strength my photography skills
- take classes regularly (skills, knowledge, social)
- one topic every month ( story-telling, discovery topics/stories)
- design weekly assignment. (based on the techniques that I normally don't use)
2. Branding/ self-promote
- maintain my website, facebook, 500x, blog
- Publication
3. Internship
- Newspapers:中國時報,聯合報..etc
- online news outlet: newstak, 公視, 苦勞網
- magazine: lonely planet, traveler, weird (find resources in library)
4. keep track on international news (especially U.S, China, south east asia)
5. strengthen my English writing skills and one foreign language (french or spanish)
As for February, I've already enrolled myself in a three month photography program starting in the end of this month.
Topic: Chinese New Year
Weekly: Group Photos
Self-promote: finish photo collection upload on website.