NLD leader Daw Aung Shan Suu Kyi visiting Hopong township in Shan State on September 6, 2015.Photo by Ann Wang

Tens of thousands of NLD supporters showed up at Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s rally at Thuwanna Pagoda on November 1, 2015. Photo by Ann Wang

Daw Aung Shan Suu Kyi visiting Hsi-Hseng in Shan State on September 5, 2015Photo by Ann Wang

Arakan people the Ethnic Minority from Rakhine state lines up to see Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Photo by Ann Wang

Myanmar opposition party NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi speaks to the media about the general election at a press conference at her resident in Yangon on November 5, 2015. Photo by Ann Wang

Tens of thousands of NLD supporters showed up at Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s rally at Thuwanna Pagoda on November 1, 2015. Photo by Ann Wang

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi gave a speech in Taungok, Rahkine state during a campaign rally for the upcoming general election on October 16, 2015. Human rights issue for Muslims and recent violent clashes, caused the National League for Democracy to add volunteers to protect the lady for her speech. According to NLD members, the volunteering security guards went from the usual 20 to 30 people up to 230 people on duty. Photo by Ann Wang

Daw Aung Shan Suu Kyi visiting Hsi-Hseng in Shan State on September 5, 2015Photo by Ann Wang

Tens of thousands of NLD supporters showed up at Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s rally at Thuwanna Pagoda on November 1, 2015. Photo by Ann Wang

Daw Aung Shan Suu Kyi visiting Hsi-Hseng in Shan State on September 5, 2015Photo by Ann Wang

NLD supporters gather in front of NLD head office in Yangon at the night of the election. The results of the election won’t be announced in a couple more days, and the transaction of the government won’t happen until the beginning 2016. Photo by Ann Wang

NLD leader Daw Aung Shan Suu Kyi visiting Hopong township in Shan State on September 6, 2015.Photo by Ann Wang
Tens of thousands of NLD supporters showed up at Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s rally at Thuwanna Pagoda on November 1, 2015. Photo by Ann Wang
Daw Aung Shan Suu Kyi visiting Hsi-Hseng in Shan State on September 5, 2015Photo by Ann Wang
Arakan people the Ethnic Minority from Rakhine state lines up to see Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Photo by Ann Wang
Myanmar opposition party NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi speaks to the media about the general election at a press conference at her resident in Yangon on November 5, 2015. Photo by Ann Wang
Tens of thousands of NLD supporters showed up at Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s rally at Thuwanna Pagoda on November 1, 2015. Photo by Ann Wang
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi gave a speech in Taungok, Rahkine state during a campaign rally for the upcoming general election on October 16, 2015. Human rights issue for Muslims and recent violent clashes, caused the National League for Democracy to add volunteers to protect the lady for her speech. According to NLD members, the volunteering security guards went from the usual 20 to 30 people up to 230 people on duty. Photo by Ann Wang
Daw Aung Shan Suu Kyi visiting Hsi-Hseng in Shan State on September 5, 2015Photo by Ann Wang
Tens of thousands of NLD supporters showed up at Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s rally at Thuwanna Pagoda on November 1, 2015. Photo by Ann Wang
Daw Aung Shan Suu Kyi visiting Hsi-Hseng in Shan State on September 5, 2015Photo by Ann Wang
NLD supporters gather in front of NLD head office in Yangon at the night of the election. The results of the election won’t be announced in a couple more days, and the transaction of the government won’t happen until the beginning 2016. Photo by Ann Wang